Seduction 緊縛 - sibari –
当サイトは、緊縛 – sibari – を嗜好とされる方へ、緊縛とは何かを体験をして頂くためのサロンをご紹介するサイトです。男性・女性を問わず、縛られたい欲求を満たす場所をご紹介するためにご用意を致しました。※当サロンは、風俗営業では御座いませんので、お間違いのない様お願い致します。
This site is a site that introduces salons for those who like bondage-sibari to experience what kinbaku is. I have prepared to introduce places that satisfy the desire to be tied up regardless of man or woman. * Please be careful not to make any mistakes, as this salon is not a sex service business.
I am a kinbaku style that mainly “Tokonawa” to tie on the floor. I also hang it according to your experience and taste. It is a style that I blame with my binding technique and the feeling that I feel from the recipient. Those who have never experienced it before, those who have bondage or SM experience, those who are looking for hard bondage or SM, you can experience it according to your preference, so please be assured.
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